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Family Counseling

Mental Health Counseling located in Great Neck, NY

Family Counseling

Family Counseling services offered in Great Neck, NY

If you and your family struggle with conflict, anger, or a mental health condition, turn to the experts at Michelle Silver Lining Mental Health Counseling, a virtual telehealth practice based in Flushing, Queens, New York City. Licensed mental health counselor Michelle Ilyayev, LMHC, and her team offer highly effective family counseling to help you and your loved ones overcome challenging situations. Call the office to schedule a telehealth appointment, or use the online booking feature today.

Family Counseling Q & A

What is family counseling?

Family counseling is a service offered by Michelle Silver Lining Mental Health Counseling that teaches you and your family members ways to resolve conflict in a healthy, positive, and effective manner. Your family counselor has many years of experience helping families overcome complex challenges. They meet with you virtually from the comfort of your home for added convenience.


What does family counseling help with?

Family counseling helps families overcome:

  • Hurtful arguments
  • Divorce
  • Trauma
  • Infidelity
  • Anger management issues
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Eating disorders
  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Financial hardships

Anytime you have difficult-to-resolve conflicts, see the Michelle Silver Lining Mental Health Counseling team for assistance. 

The benefits of family counseling include improved communication, less arguing, reduced anxiety or depression, happiness, and a better quality of life. 


Is family counseling right for my family?

Any family can benefit from family counseling with the Michelle Silver Lining Mental Health Counseling team, especially those experiencing yelling, fighting, anger management, and other common causes of conflict. Even if your family isn’t currently struggling, periodic family counseling can help prevent future problems.


What happens during family counseling?

During virtual family counseling sessions, your Michelle Silver Lining Mental Health Counseling provider calls you and your family during a scheduled appointment time. They ask questions about your lifestyle, relationships, mood, thoughts, emotions, and more to learn more about your family dynamic and how to best help.

During family counseling sessions, your specialist may use cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), motivational interviewing, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), or other methods to help you and your family make positive changes in lifestyle habits and behavior patterns.

Michelle Silver Lining Mental Health Counseling also offers individualized counseling, couples and marriage counseling, child psychotherapy, and group counseling sessions based on your and your family’s needs. You might participate in individualized counseling in addition to family counseling to overcome an addiction or other personal challenges.

You may meet with your therapist weekly or as needed to alter thoughts, improve behaviors, and overcome conflict healthily. They tailor each treatment based on your family’s unique situation.

Call the Michelle Silver Lining Mental Health Counseling office to schedule a virtual family counseling appointment, or use the online booking feature today.