What are 5 Stages of Grief - Coping Strategies for Grief

Oct 13, 2023
Symptom and Stages of Grief
Why are you experiencing loss and grief? Find the 5 Stages of Grief and Learn coping strategies for grief that can help you navigate loss and find peace.

Everyone experiences grief at some point in their life, whether it's due to the death of a loved one, the end of a meaningful relationship, or the loss of a life dream or dream job. Understanding the five stages of grief and learning how to navigate them can help you cope with this complex and often painful journey.

At Michelle Silver Lining Mental Health Counseling in Flushing, New York, experienced licensed mental health counselor Michelle Ilyayev, LMHC, can help guide you on your journey through the stages of grief to help you get through them and live with your loss.

What are the Five Stages of Grief?

The concept of the five stages of grief was first introduced by psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross in her 1969 book, "On Death and Dying," and is still relevant today. These stages provide a framework for understanding the emotional process you go through when dealing with loss.

It's important to note that these stages are not necessarily linear, and you may experience them in a different order or even cycle through them multiple times. Here are the five stages:

  1. Denial
  2. Anger
  3.  Bargaining 
  4. Depression
  5. Acceptance

1. Denial

The initial reaction to loss is often disbelief or denial. It didn't happen. While it may sound unhealthy to deny the facts, it is a healthy first reaction to grief and loss, according to Kubler-Ross.

Denial is a way of coping with the shock and overwhelming emotions. You should allow yourself to feel these emotions without judgment. It’s crucial to give yourself time at this stage.

2. Anger

As denial fades, anger replaces it. You might feel frustrated, resentful, or even furious about the loss. Directing this anger toward others, yourself, or even the person or thing you've lost is typical. Anger can be an intense stage.

You should acknowledge and express your anger in healthy ways, such as talking to a therapist at Michelle Silver Lining Mental Health Counseling or through creative outlets.

3. Bargaining

In this stage, you may find yourself trying to make deals with a higher power or wishing you could go back in time to change the outcome. Bargaining is a way to regain or seek control or try to reverse the loss. While bargaining can be a natural reaction, it's essential to recognize that some things are beyond your control.

4. Depression

A profound sense of sadness and despair can set in when the bargaining stage doesn't work. You may feel overwhelmed by the weight of your emotions, experience a loss of interest in daily activities, or withdraw from social interactions. It's crucial to reach out to friends, family, or a mental health professional for support during this depressive stage.

You can eradicate your depression by changing your life activities, allowing yourself to follow good health, and following your hobbies like reading books, listening to songs going outside, gardening, etc.

People may take medicines like antidepressants, anxiety relievers other relevant drugs but making habitual of those drugs can harm your mental as well as Physical health.

Make a healthy diet, lifestyle, and physical activities part of your daily routine. To cope with your depression join some sort of counseling center where your counselor can provide you with the best advice. 

 If you cannot carry out any of the above activities, you must consult a physician.

5. Acceptance

Acceptance doesn't mean that you're okay with the loss or that you're over it. Instead, it signifies a willingness to accept the new reality. You begin to find ways to move forward with your life while still acknowledging the impact of the loss. Healing takes time, and acceptance is a process.

This brings anxiety, Anxiety can harm anybody if a person is looking good by appearance. It doesn't mean he or she is a healthy person. anxiety can destroy your physical as well as mental health. There are various stages of anxiety.

If you are at the very initial stage of anxiety then you can recover yourself by following a good routine and investing in your mental health. Still, if you are at the worst stage of anxiety you can meet a physician or mental health counselor to cope with your situation.  Otherwise, it can kill you like a slow poison.

How to Cope with the Grief?

we have already described the above five stages of grief and how to cope with them. The following steps can help you cope quickly with your grief. 

It is a really bad idea to compare yourself to those who are already at some stage of grief maybe you are not the one from them or you are at the very initial stage of it.

Do not feel bad if you are experiencing grief. Give yourself time to cope with the situation. No miracle can help you get out of it all at once. It will take time and patience. 

Try to talk about your problem and ask for a solution. By talking, you can help yourself to take that Grief out of your mind and easily get out of it. It is possible that by talking about it, you can find yourself the solution to it. 

Went out for fun and enjoy yourself. Stay focused and active and do not neglect your health.

Staying at home can increase your grief, anxiety, or depression. Do not stay alone, try to be in the company of people you love.

Try to wake up early and go for a morning walk. Do not neglect your sleep hours. Give your mind some rest and do not overthink.

Try to get involved with nature and things that give you complete peace of mind.

Avoid getting addicted to harmful drugs and liquors. Adding these things to your life could worsen the stage of your grief, anxiety, or depression, thus wrecking your mental and Physical health.

Try to replace your anxiety or grief with the things or activities that can give you peace of mind.


Staying with grief can affect your health a lot, but letting it out or sorting it out could help you lead a peaceful, happy life, and no one wants to live a miserable life filled with grief or anxiety. Get support and help to let go of this grief today!

Grief is a challenging and complex journey, and it's important to remember that it's okay to grieve in your way and on your timeline. If you're experiencing grief and need support through the five stages, call Michelle Silver Lining Mental Health Counseling to make a telehealth appointment today with one of our experienced and compassionate counselors. Or, request one online.

Frequently Ask Questions

What is the hardest stage of grief?

Loneliness, Depression and Reluctance.

As these could leave you all alone with the feeling of grief and emptiness. And the person is finding himself all alone. They are the most dangerous stages of grief in which the person also thinks about suicidal thoughts. 

What are the three C's of grief?

choose, connect, and communicate are the three C’s of grief. 

What are the 5 stages of dealing with grief?

Following are the five stages of grief,

  1. Denial
  2. Anger
  3. Bargaining
  4. Depression
  5. Acceptance