Couples Counseling

Telehealth Mental Health Counseling in New York

Couples Counseling

Couples Counseling services offered in Great Neck, NY

Do you and your partner struggle to connect deeply, get along, or reignite the love you once shared? At Michelle Silver Lining Mental Health Counseling, a virtual telehealth practice based in Flushing, Queens, New York City, licensed mental health counselor Michelle Ilyayev, LMHC, and her team offer comprehensive couples counseling to help you and your partner resolve conflicts or restore passion. Call the office to schedule a telehealth appointment, or use the online booking feature today.

Couples Counseling Q & A

What is couples counseling?

Couples counseling at Michelle Silver Lining Mental Health Counseling includes virtual meetings with a licensed mental health counselor to help you work through conflicts, trauma, financial struggles and other common challenges. 

If you and your partner lose the spark you once had, couples counseling can help you regain it and restore your love for each other.


What are the benefits of couples counseling?

The benefits you can reap by choosing couples counseling with the Michelle Silver Lining Mental Health Counseling team include:

  • Improved communication
  • More affection
  • Stronger relationship
  • Reignited love and passion
  • Less arguing and yelling
  • Longer-lasting relationships
  • Reduced depression and anxiety 
  • Improvements in quality of life
  • Less stress
  • Happiness 

See a Michelle Silver Lining Mental Health Counseling provider when you and your partner are ready to work through challenges and make your relationship stronger than ever.

Your counselor can help you or your partner overcome depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), codependency, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other common mental health conditions. 


What should I expect during couples counseling?

During couples counseling at Michelle Silver Lining Mental Health Counseling, your provider calls you during your scheduled appointment time. They ask a series of questions to get to know you and your partner and the dynamic of your relationship. 

They also discuss interactions with each other and thoughts, moods, emotions, behavior patterns, and more before tailoring couples counseling sessions that are best suited for you and your partner’s unique situation. 

Michelle Silver Lining Mental Health Counseling also offers individualized counseling, family counseling, group counseling, child psychology, and more. You might be a candidate for more than one type of therapy, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectic behavioral therapy (DBT), mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), or other effective methods.

You may meet with your therapist weekly or as needed to strengthen your relationship with your partner and bring back desire, peace, joy, passion, and happiness. They let you know when to schedule your next session; don’t hesitate to call the office any time with questions. 

To schedule virtual couples counseling sessions, call the Michelle Silver Lining Mental Health Counseling office or use the online booking feature today.