When Should I Consider Anger Management Therapy?

Aug 19, 2024
When Should I Consider Anger Management Therapy?
Getting angry is part of life, and so is learning how to manage it. Anger management therapy helps people learn how to deal with anger instead of letting it control their lives. Here’s how to tell if this type of therapy is a good choice for you.

Everyone gets angry from time to time, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Anger is a natural emotion that helps you communicate your feelings and stressors while seeking ways to mitigate the “bad” effects of the emotion.

Unfortunately, anger can also be explosive, and if you find your anger is getting out of control, it’s time to seek a solution. That’s when anger management therapy can help. 

At Michelle Silver Lining Mental Health Counseling, Michelle Ilyayev, LMHC, helps patients identify the root cause of angry reactions and learn ways to deal with them in a more positive way. If you’ve been wondering if anger management therapy can help you, here’s what you need to know.

Quick facts about anger management

While getting angry isn’t wrong on its own, it’s what we do with our anger and how we react to it that causes problems — for us and those around us. Not only can anger damage our relationships, but it can harm our physical wellness, too, increasing the risks of hypertension, heart problems, headaches, and digestive disorders. In extreme cases, it can lead to violence.

Anger management therapy uses cognitive behavioral techniques to help us learn what triggers our anger and why we react the way we do. Then, it focuses on techniques to help us find solutions for our triggers and learn new, healthy behaviors that help us react in a healthier, less volatile manner.

During therapy, you practice new communication skills and coping strategies, along with simple tricks to help you problem-solve “on your feet” so you can manage your anger before it takes over your emotions. You also have homework to help you practice your new skills in your everyday life, reporting on your progress so we can adjust your treatment to help you get the most from your therapy sessions.

When to consider anger management therapy

Anger management counseling can be an effective option for anyone who has issues controlling or managing their anger, particularly for people with the following concerns.

Anger-related relationship problems

Anger can definitely put a big strain on relationships with friends, family members, and significant others. If your loved ones have mentioned your temper, if they tend to avoid you, or if your anger has altered your relationships in other ways, learning to manage your anger can help mend relationships and improve your interactions with the ones you value the most.

Anger-related issues at work

At work, an uneven or poorly managed temper can lead to problems with peers and colleagues, interfere with promotions and raises, and even lead to losing your job. During anger management therapy, you learn techniques specifically tailored to managing your emotions at work, so you can enjoy the benefits of your job and reduce job-related stress, too.

Anger-related health issues

Anger issues cause chronic stress that in turn can take a big toll on your physical and emotional wellness. If you have hypertension, heart disease, digestive problems, or frequent headaches in addition to anger issues, anger management therapy could be just what you need to improve your physical health as well as your emotional wellness.

Frequent angry outbursts

We all get angry on occasion, but if you find yourself getting frustrated and angry on a regular basis, it could be an indication that your reactions are out of sync with what’s really going on in your life. Anger management therapy lets you explore your anger triggers and understand your reactions, teaching you coping skills that help you respond in a healthier way.

Physical or verbal abuse or aggression

If your anger leads to physically or verbally abusive situations, it’s absolutely time to seek anger management counseling. These reactions can be dangerous to yourself and the people you encounter, and they can also lead to legal troubles and other negative changes in your life.

As a tool for personal growth and development, anger management can also be a good tool for anyone who wants to get a better handle on their anger and their emotions in general.

No shame in seeking treatment

Anger isn’t always easy to control or contain, but recognizing that you need a little assistance is the first step toward learning how to control your anger instead of letting it control you. To learn more about anger management therapy, request an appointment with Michelle Silver Lining Mental Health Counseling in Great Neck, New York, today.